Introductory Speech
How it works?

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Comming soon

  1. It is advised to open the entered/registered email's Inbox for the desktop users before the time of Registration/ Renewal to get Emails from System on time

  2. If System generated email is not delivered please press the Refresh/Reload button of the Registered Email's Inbox. In case there is no Refresh/ Reload button then press reload page of the browser of the mailbox

  3. On successful transaction, user id and password and other transaction related information will be delivered in your registered mailbox automatically. If email is not delivered NO NEED TO PERFORM SAME TRANSACTION AGAIN. Please wait for a while as it is an auto generated email and do the steps of point "2" as stated above

  4. Once you have registerd please login with your credentials to the BPR Portal and it is recommended to change your password from top menu. Choose a password as per your convenience

  5. If you have forgot your password please use "Forgot Password" utility from the dashboard or click here

  6. Once you have registered and your BPR ACCOUNT VALIDITY IS OVER, you are NOT REQUIRED TO REGISTERED AGAIN to extend the validity. TO EXTEND THE VALIDITY PLEASE LOGIN TO BPR PORTAL WITH YOUR YOUR LAST CREDENTIALS and you will automatically redirected to renewal page for payment if applicable

  7. For renewal of your subscription, you will be asked to pay if applicable. On completion of RENEWAL STEPS auto generated email will be delivered to your registered mailbox. If email for payment is not delivered please wait and do the steps of point "2" as stated above

  8. On successful renewal, validity for your account will get extended and you will again get new credentials which will again delivered to your mailbox